Thursday, 14 May 2015

Ode to the ones who have not been blessed

Bless the boy who has been sleeping
Under that Neem tree since the last two years
Wailing at night for the caress
Of a mother he never saw
And at dawn waiting for a sight
Of the father who left him here
Alone, Afraid . . .

Bless the child who works
For his little sister in the sun
Selling best- sellers at red lights
Offering discounts
On rags- to- riches stories
To luxury car owners
Unknowingly, Unaware . . .

Bless the girl who was sneered at
For “inviting the eyes of wolves
And letting herself be harassed”
Who now lives alone
And walks down the alley proudly
To tell them that she survived
Boldly, Bravely . . .

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Watching Death

Dreading those unspoken words
We comforted each other
With a thought too far fetched
Those words, those unspoken words
Glared through our eyes
Yet, we dared not say it
“She’s breathing slow”
And we held our breaths
Trying to stay alone
Yet be nearer to her
Trying to be in peace
Yet break that silence
That spoke of death
And smelled of death
We watched her slipping away
In front of us
And we could do nothing
Apart from watching her dying impulse
Clutching her cold hands
Finally those unspoken words
Were said blatantly
“She’s no more”
And the silence ended
In a strange gush of warm breaths held back.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

My Veils

I’m not just what you see
There’s another one lurching behind
And yet another behind that “me”
With a separate heart and a separate mind

There’s another one lurching behind
My veil which is a blatant lie
With a separate heart and a separate mind
All my personas, cleverly entwined

My veil which is a blatant lie
I drape around and I hide
All my personas, cleverly entwined
I conceal my other side

I drape around and I hide
The layers of my veiled self
I conceal my other side
So deep, none can delve

The layers of my veiled self
Will forever remain a mystery
So deep, none can delve
For I ain’t just what you see
There’s another one behind that “me”